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Full Moon in Aries 10/1/2020

This full moon has been playing no games, surrounded by Saturn going direct on 9/29, Mars already in retrograde hanging out in Aries, and us dancing in the pre shadow phase of our beloved and frequent Mercury retrograde; shit has been real, to say the least. This full moon has caused all to feel a level of discomfort is some sort of way. Mars, the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio, connects with the root chakra. The root chakra is our ‘fight or flight’ center, “how comfortable am I?” meter, and “do I feel safe in this situation?” probe. You may find that your comfortability with job security, money retention, status in relationships, and past familial situation have been a subliminal trigger for you this week.

A full moon is a time for you to review and release. More specifically you may be asked to release an old perception of your parents or childhood, or a codependency pattern in your relationships, or being careless with money so you can obtain some retention. Many of us are stepping into a phase that requires you to move different and respond differently. You’re being asked to take your time with all the things you deem valuable to your life. You’re being encouraged to take notice of the ways you can be impulsive, whether in your thoughts or your actions. In those impulsive ways, explore the necessity for quick reaction and get rid of it if it is no service to you or slow down, re-sculpt it to ensure it’s a lasting experience. In all things you are involved in, you want to feel SAFE and SECURE with yourself.

Occupational Therapy advice: If your trigger is money this full moon, then create an expense sheet and keep it near your bedside dresser. If it is childhood nostalgia, then journal your thoughts to see where it leads you. If your trigger is your relationships, then prioritize your wants and needs from each relationship and decide what you can provide to yourself. Also if any unexplained low back pain is experienced it could signify an unbalance root chakra, take on a morning stretch routine. For your convenience, I have placed one below.

(I feel like I should say, I do not own the rights to this video)

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