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Day 10 for the Win

Hi Everyone!

Did a video for day 10 because it was easier than thinking and writing. Looking forward to hearing your responses to 1) How are you doing so far? 2) Are you still fasting? 3) What have you learned about yourself so far? I took the time to answer these questions in the video and I hope you have a chance to watch.

Sending you love, light, strength, and clarity


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2 comentários

Takira Robinson
Takira Robinson
11 de set. de 2021

Thank you for this fast!! I’ve been fasting until 2pm and drinking mostly water. My goal is 3 bottles before I eat! My cramps were non existent this month after months are extremely painful cycles and I feel like I have more clarity around situations like I freed up my thinking space. Although I do struggle with the weight loss portion of fasting because I’m literally 110-115 lbs 😩 getting skinnier is just not in my wheel house 🤣 but I’m appreciative and grateful- even thinking about making it a lifestyle change. Oh and candy is a no no right now which is a struggle for me cuz I definitely have a sweet tooth. I’m not even keeping track o…

Reana Seastrunk
Reana Seastrunk
11 de set. de 2021
Respondendo a

I love this!!! The mental clarity is so eye opening. Yes please don't get any skinnier. Our weight difference could warm a baby goat so I look forward to hitting a lower 10's bracket. After a while the sugar craving went away but the desire for the savory is everlasting. I'm excited to hear about the alleviation of cramps and hope you can find clarity on what increases them. Hug them babies for me!🦚

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